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小微帮推 | 中财大系列室内音乐会——“永恒之光”:德国布朗斯铜管乐团

“Eternal Light”:Ensemble Brasssonanz

时间:2018年11月7日(星期三) 晚7:00
地点:中央财经大学学院南路校区 学术会堂206
Date:Wednesday Nov 7, 2018 7:00 pm
Venue:Academic Hall 206, Xueyuan Nanlu, CUFE



天使吹号   来源:视觉中国
Intro of Brass Instruments
The brass instruments were the instruments of the kings and emperors in ancient Egypt, Rome and European middle ages. Only in the context of courtesy and government it was allowed to play. Therefore, the trumpet player was one of the very early professionalized musicians. He had an employment at the court. Only brass instruments had the admission to play in church! The woodwind instruments were at that time the musical instruments of the peasant and shepherds, the minstrel (with lute and percussion) or the folk music of that time.
With that background, it is obviously that the brass instruments had in any period of musical development their own music. So, it is consequent to show the possibilities of these instruments in a program which covers the whole range of music history and styles. The power and the softness, the variability of colors of sound allows them also to develop into leading instruments in groups of pop/rock and jazz.



乐团中的许多音乐家已经在德国一线交响乐团演出,包括德累斯顿爱乐乐团、柏林爱乐乐团、MDR 交响乐团、汉堡国家歌剧院、奥尔登堡国家剧院、哈勒剧院、兰德剧院和杰纳爱乐乐团。
在 2015,德国布朗斯铜管乐团分别在科隆和多斯滕演出,被邀请在德国最棒的节日音乐节演出,像在奥斯纳布吕克的 Euregio 节,在多斯腾市的 Zeche 创意音乐节和尼伯格奥格尔贝斯特音乐节等。2017,长号音乐家们参加了科隆“荣格欧伦奖”颁奖典礼。乐团将在城堡音乐节演出,在海德菲尔德音乐经典和马尔伯格康泽尔萨森的开幕音乐会。2017 年乐团职业亮点是第一次团体工作是出品的 CD,以及 4 月份在德国汉堡的易北爱乐音乐厅演出。此外,与著名风琴 Cameron Carpenters 在柏林剧院合作圣诞节音乐会。

Ensemble Brasssonanz
A first-class 12 person brass music ensemble. This is what Ensemble Brasssonanz stands for. All members are from different orchestras, such as Berliner Philharmonic, the Youth Philharmonic Orchestra of Niedersachsen (JPON), the National Youth Orchestra of Germany (BJO) and the German Youth Philharmonic. Furthermore, all members of the ensemble were from renowned music academies in Germany, including those in Berlin, Detmold, Hamburg, Cologne, Leipzig, Münster and Stuttgart.
Many of the musicians in the ensemble are already playing in professional orchestras. These include The Dresdner Philharmonic, the academy of the Berlin Philharmonic, the MDR Symphony Orchestra, the Hamburger State Opera, the State Theatre of Oldenburg, The Theater Halle, the Landestheater Detmold and the Jenaer Philharmonic. The Ensemble Brasssonanz performs chamber music to an exceptional standard, while taking every opportunity to enjoy their work. Their repertoire includes the classics by Bach, Handel and Purcell as well as Jazz. They also perform pieces specially composed for them, focussing on changing the orchestration to a trio or a quintet to show the spectrum of brass chamber music.
In 2015 the Ensemble Brasssonanz performed in Cologne and Dorsten. From that the ensemble was invited to festivals, like the Euregio Festival in Osnabrbück, the Zeche Creativquartier Fürst Leopold in Dorsten and the Nienburger Orgelherbst. In 2017 the trombones played at the award ceremny of the "JungeOhren prize" in cologne. The whole ensemble will be performing at the castle festival Loccum, at the Heiderfeld Classics of music: landschaftWestfalen and opening the concert of the MarburgerKonzertsaison. Highlights of 2017 are the first studio production of a CD, a concert at the Laeiszhalle Hamburg and a Christmas Concert with the organist Cameron Carpenter at the Konzerthaus Berlin.
In 2018, the ensemble gives concerts among others at the Thomaskirche Leipzig, at the Elbphilharmonie Hamburg and at the Schleswig Holstein Music Festival.



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